Time for more winning!
I'm giving away every item on my 2015 Best Gifts for the Home Cook wish list, and next on the list is something I really enjoy - a bit of something different.
I don't know about you, but when I circle the supermarket I usually pick up the same things. Fresh produce, meat, dairy, bakery, then whip up and down the aisles grabbing the same canned goods and dried ingredients I usually get. It's not that I'm not adventurous. On the contrary, I like to try new things. But I'm usually pressed for time when I'm shopping for food. Sometimes I wonder what wondrous flavours I might be missing out on if only I slowed down and searched for special somethings.
The Best Gift I'm giving away now - a new flavour - I only learned about very recently. "Have you heard of haskapa?" I was asked. Uh, no. I was told about this interesting berry being farmed in Nova Scotia called the haskap berry, and the products a company called haskapa is producing from them. Haskap juice, haskap jam, haskap chutney, haskap maple syrup - all of it from this interesting, unusual berry that looks something like a long blueberry.
The flavour of the haskap berry is wonderful - a sort of blueberry, currant, early blackberry combination that is sweet but with a little tartness too. It's quite lovely, and I think we're going to be seeing more of it. I sure hope so!
You can buy haskap berry products online from the haskapa website.
Scroll down to enter the giveaway of a haskapa gift crate. It showcases haskap berries in several great products including a chutney, dried berries and a juice concentrate that can be blended with water, mixed into cocktails and more. The colour and flavour of the haskap berry juice is gorgeous.
Go on, try something new!
To enter the giveaway of a haskapa gift crate, leave a comment on this blog post telling me if you've ever tried haskap berries before. PLEASE LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS SO I CAN CONTACT YOU IF YOU WIN.
One entry person. Canadian residents only. Contest closes Friday, December 11, 2015 at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific. The randomly-selected winner will be contacted directly and announced on Family Feedbag and its associated social media channels.
Good luck!