This isn't a recipe post. It's more of a... coming soon post. Now that I've submitted my cookbook manuscript to the publisher (yay!), things have really settled down around here. My weekdays are still filled with kids and parks and picnics and noise, but I'm no longer spending my weekends working on the book. So I'm getting back to some of my favourite hobbies that I had put on hold during the months when I was canning my bum off and writing like a madwoman. I've finished a knitting project and started another, read a couple novels, become completely obsessed with a Spanish TV series on Netflix, and now I'm starting to turn my mind to fall and school and everything else that comes with that time of year.
I'm particularly excited about fall this year because my youngest boy is starting preschool. He's a big snacker, so it's no surprise that one of the preschool activities he's looking forward to most is bringing along his own snack. Since he loves granola bars, my latest kitchen quest is to develop a quick and easy granola bar recipe that I can whip up at the beginning of the week that is healthy and nut-free for school. My first batch with apricots, sesame seeds and honey was really tasty, but I'm tempted to use butter instead of oil in the next batch to help the bars set a little firmer when they cool. I might throw in some dried cherries too. We'll see. Lots of options. And when I narrow down a lovely little recipe you can count on me sharing it here.
How are you feeling about fall coming? Do you have kids going back to school or starting something new? Are you planning any changes to your kitchen routine with the change of season? Leave a comment, and feel free to share any granola bar ideas...