This is a recipe I've been tinkering with for a while. Initially I wrote it as a layered baking mix to go in jars or clear bags for gift-giving. The more I tinkered with the recipe the better it got, and now, whether I'm preparing the make-ahead dry mix or making up a fresh batch in my kitchen, this is my go-to cookie recipe.
These cookies are buttery, chewy and chocolatey without being too sweet. For me, this is the ultimate chocolate chip cookie, right at home with a glass of cold milk. Best of all, they are easy to make, requiring only one mixing bowl. No creaming butter with sugar. No adding dry ingredients in stages. Just mix all the ingredients together and roll into balls. And now I'm sharing my easy, best ever chocolate chip cookie recipe with you.
If layering the baking mix ingredients in jars or bags as gifts, I like to pack down each layer after it's added and attach the written baking instructions with ribbon.
Here's how I make them:
makes 14-16 cookies
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
3/4 cup butter, melted (warm, not hot)
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
TO MAKE FRESH: While my oven preheats to 350 degrees (F), I combine the first 7 ingredients in a large mixing bowl and stir evenly. I add the melted butter, egg and vanilla and stir until blended. The dough gets rolled into balls and placed 2-inches apart on a parchment lined baking sheet to bake for 10-12 minutes, just until the bottoms are golden. They cool on the pan for a few minutes before being moved to a wire rack to cool completely.
FOR MAKE-AHEAD BAKING MIXES: Combine the first 7 ingredients in a cellophane bag or glass jar and seal until ready to use. For gift-giving, attach a tag that reads, "Add 3/4 cup melted butter, 1 egg and 1 tsp vanilla. Mix and roll into balls. Bake at 350 degrees (F) for 10-12 minutes."
Do you do any make-ahead baking mixes? What food gifts do you like to give? Leave a comment!