- Start with clean jars free of chips or cracks.
- The sealing discs should be left in hot water until ready for use.
Here's how to make it:
makes seven 250 mL (1 cup) jars
1 ½ lb (675 g) strawberries
1 lb (450 g) rhubarb
1 package (57 g) regular
pectin crystals
6 cups (1.5 L) granulated
white sugar
Rinse the strawberries
under cool running water. Trim off and discard the stems and leaves. Chop into
chunks. Crush the berries with a masher in a large heavy-bottomed pot (you
should have 2 ½ cups of crushed strawberries). Rinse the rhubarb under cool
running water. Trim off and discard ends. Chop rhubarb into ½-inch (1 cm)
pieces and add them to the pot. Stir in the pectin crystals. Bring to a bubble
over high heat, stirring frequently. Stir in the sugar. Warm over medium heat
until the sugar dissolves, then increase the heat to high and bring the jam to
a hard boil. Maintain a full boil for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and ladle
into clean jars leaving a ¼-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims. Screw on lids.
Process in a boiling water bath canner for 15 minutes
Here's a question for the canners - WHY do you can? For the cost savings? Family tradition? Out of necessity? Leave a comment and tell me what it is about canning that you love!