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Menu Mashups - Pizza meatballs

This is part of my Menu Mashups series. Family Feedbag is taking family faves and combining them to create all new yumminess. This is what happens when awesome and fabulous collide!

Everybody loves meatballs. Am I right or am I right? Don't answer that, vegetarians. The point is, when it comes to putting food on your family (that never stops being funny) you can't go too far wrong with a savoury ball of meat. Especially if it tastes like another family favourite: pizza. Just fill that meaty ball with pizza seasoning and an ooey gooey mozzarella cheese centre and you can do a victory lap, bella, cuz you just won the flavour Grand Prix!

Here's how they're made:

1 lb ground beef
1 egg
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp pizza seasoning
1/4 cup ketchup
2 bread loaf ends, crumbed or finely chopped
1/4 inch cubes of mozzarella cheese

In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients except the cheese. Mix it all up evenly. Go on, get your hands in there! The best meatballs are made by hand with love.

Next comes the hiding of the cheese. Si, per favore! That meatball just needs a little dimple made by your thumb. Then the cube of cheese goes right in there and the edges get folded around the cheese and the whole thing gets rolled with both hands into a ball.

Bake your balls (get your head outa the gutter) on a parchment lined baking sheet at 375 degrees (F) for 25 minutes until they're nicely browned and cooked through.

And those, my hungry friends, are pizza meatballs.

Are meatballs in your family's meal line-up? What do you serve them with? Do you remember where you were when you ate the best meatball you ever had?